IPv6 Multicast Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
network. In this situation, the 7000 series has an IGMP/MLD Snooping Querier running on
one of the switches and Snooping enabled on all the switches. For more information, see
IGMP Snooping Configuration Commands on page 146 and MLD Snooping Commands on
page 158.
ipv6 mld router
Use this command, in the administrative mode of the router, to enable MLD in the router.
Format ipv6 mld router
• Global Config
• Interface Config
no ipv6 mld router
Use this command, in the administrative mode of the router, to disable MLD in the router.
Format no ipv6 mld router
• Global Config
• Interface Config
ipv6 mld query-interval
Use this command to set the MLD router’s query interval for the interface. The query-interval
is the amount of time between the general queries sent when the router is the querier on that
interface. The range for <query-interval> is 1–3,600 seconds.
Format ipv6 mld query-interval <query-interval>
no ipv6 mld query-interval
Use this command to reset the MLD query interval to the default value for that interface.
Format no ipv6 mld query-interval
ipv6 mld query-max-response-time
Use this command to set the MLD querier’s maximum response time for the interface and
this value is used in assigning the maximum response time in the query messages that are
Interface Config
Interface Config