Switching Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
no dhcp l2relay vlan
Use this command to disable the DHCP L2 Relay agent for a set of VLANs.
Format no dhcp l2relay vlan <vlan-list>
dhcp l2relay trust
Use this command to configure an interface or range of interfaces as trusted for Option-82
Format dhcp l2relay trust
no dhcp l2relay trust
Use this command to configure an interface to the default untrusted for Option-82 reception.
Format no dhcp l2relay trust
show dhcp l2relay all
Use this command to display the summary of DHCP L2 Relay configuration.
Format show dhcp l2relay all
Example: The following shows example CLI display output for the command.
(switch) #show dhcp l2relay all
DHCP L2 Relay is Enabled.
Interface L2RelayMode TrustMode
---------- ----------- --------------
0/2 Enabled untrusted
0/4 Disabled trusted
VLAN Id L2 Relay CircuitId RemoteId
--------- ---------- ----------- ------------
3 Disabled Enabled --NULL—
5 Enabled Enabled --NULL—
6 Enabled Enabled netgear
7 Enabled Disabled --NULL—
8 Enabled Disabled --NULL—
9 Enabled Disabled --NULL—
10 Enabled Disabled --NULL—
Global Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
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