Getting Started
ProSafe Plus Switch Utility
The utility uses two network programs, WinPcap and Adobe AIR, to process network
commands. If not already installed on your computer, these two programs are also
installed, and are placed in your program directory.
3. Click Install Utility.
This creates a NETGEAR subdirectory under the \Program Files
directory on your computer.
Installation then copies the utility program
into the \Program Files\Netgear\ProSafe Plus Utility directory, and
places a utility icon on the computer desktop.
The WinPcap and Adobe AIR programs might be used by other network applications and
might already be installed on your computer. If so, a message displays asking if you want
to reinstall WinPcap.
a. Click OK if you think the currently installed WinPcap is an older version or might be
b. Click Cancel if you do not want to overwrite the program already installed. Clicking
Cancel ends the WinPcap portion of installation, but the remaining components are
c. If the Adobe AIR program is already installed, an “already installed” message
displays. Click Close to end the Adobe AIR portion of installation.
4. Installation is complete. When the InstallShield Wizard Complete screen displays, check
the box to launch the utility or just click Finish if you do not want to launch the utility at this
time. Use the utility icon on your desktop to launch the utility in the future.
Registration Pop-Up Window
The first time that you select a switch, the registration window pops up. It has three buttons:
• Turn Off. The registration window closes. The pop-up displays again if the switch is
selected 24 hours after the switch is restored to factory default settings,
• Remind Me Later. The registration window closes. If over 24 hours has passed, and you
select the switch again, the Registration window pops up again.
• Register Now. If you have an internet connection, you can register your product at the
NETGEAR website.
Discovering Switches
When the utility is launched, it immediately searches the network for ProSafe Plus switches.
Local computer firewall applications such as Symantec Endpoint Protection can prevent the
utility from communicating with the switches. If the utility is unable to discover your switches
and you are using a local firewall, you must turn off the firewall function in order for discovery
to work properly. After a few seconds the utility discovers and lists all ProSafe Plus switches
in your network or in the same broadcast domain. Discovery continues through the network
until blocked by a router or firewall.