
Set up wireless channels used by individual access points. (It is not
necessary to set channels on the stations as the stations will automatically
scan through all channels for the nearest access point.)
Service Set Identification (SSID)
The Service Set Identification (SSID) is a thirty-two alphanumeric character
(maximum) string identifying the wireless local area network. Some vendors
refer to the SS ID as network name. For stations to communicate with each other,
all stations must be configured with the same SSID.
A wireless LAN consisting of nodes operating in Ad-hoc configuration without
an access point is called a Basic Service Set (BSS). All nodes in a BSS must use
the same Basic Service Set ID (BSSID).
In an infrastructure configuration with access points, multiple BSS can be
configured to form an Extended Service Set (ESS). In this configuration, the
access points are configured with the same Extended Service Set ID (ESSID).
Wireless clients configured with the same ESSID can freely roam from one
Access Point domain to another and still maintain seamless connection to the