ProSafe VPN Firewall 200 FVX538 Reference Manual
Firewall Protection and Content Filtering 4-33
v1.0, August 2006
3. Enter a Schedule for sending the logs. From the Unit pull-down menu, select: Never, Hourly,
Daily, or Weekly. Then fill in the Day and Time fields that correspond to your selection.
4. In the Security Logs section, check the network segments radio box for which you would like
logs to be sent (for example, LAN to WAN under Dropped Packets).
5. In the System Logs section, check the radio box for the type of system events to be logged.
6. Check the Yes radio box to enable E-mail Logs. Then enter:
a. E-mail Server address – Enter the outgoing E-mail SMTP mail server address of your
ISP (for example, If you leave this box blank, no logs will be sent to you.
b. Return E-mail Address – Enter the e-mail address of the user.
c. Send To E-mail Address – Enter the e-mail address where the logs and alerts should be
sent. You must use the full e-mail address (for example, ChrisXY@myISP.com).
7. The No Authentication radio box is checked by default. If your SMTP server authenticates
users, uncheck the radio box by selecting the authentication type—either Login Plain or
CRAM-MD5—based on your SMTP server requirements. Then enter the user name and
password to be used for authentication.
8. If you want to respond to IDENT protocol, check the Respond to Identd from SMTP Server
radio box. The Ident Protocol is an Internet protocol that helps identify the user of a particular
TCP connection (a common daemon program for providing the ident service is identd).
9. You can configure the firewall to send system logs to an external PC that is running a syslog
logging program. Click the Yes radio box to enable SysLogs and send messages to the syslog
server, then:
a. Enter your SysLog Server IP address
b. Select the appropriate syslog facility from the SysLog Facility pull-down menu. The
SysLog Facility levels of severity are described in Table 4-3 below.
10. Click Reset to cancel your changes and return to the previous settings.
11. Click Apply to save your settings.
Table 4-3. SysLog Facility Message Levels
Numerical Code Severity
0 Emergency: System is unusable
1 Alert: Action must be taken immediately
2 Critical: Critical conditions
3 Error: Error conditions