ProSafe Gigabit 8 Port VPN Firewall FVS318G Reference Manual
5-42 Virtual Private Networking
v1.1, August 2010
2. Enter a User Name. This is the unique ID of a user which will be added to the User Name
3. Enter a Password for the user, and reenter the password in the Confirm Password field.
4. Click add. The user name will be added to the Configured Users table.
To edit the user name or password:
1. Click the edit button adjacent to the user that you want to modify. The Edit User screen
2. Make the required changes to the User Name or Password.
3. Click Reset to cancel your changes or click Apply to save your settings and return to the
previous settings. The modified user name and password displays in the Configured Users
Configuring RADIUS Clients for XAUTH
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service, RFC 2865) is a protocol for managing
Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) of multiple users in a network. A RADIUS
server will store a database of user information, and can validate a user at the request of a gateway
or server in the network when a user requests access to network resources. During the
establishment of a VPN connection, the VPN gateway can interrupt the process with an XAUTH
(eXtended AUTHentication) request. At that point, the remote user must provide authentication
information such as a username/password or some encrypted response using his username/
password information. The gateway will try and verify this information first against a local User
Database (if RADIUS-PAP is enabled) and then by relaying the information to a central
authentication server such as a RADIUS server.
To configure RADIUS servers:
1. Select VPN from the main menu and VPN Client from the submenu. The User Database
screen displays (see Figure 5-30 on page 5-41).
2. Select the RADIUS Client tab. The RADIUS Client screen displays (see Figure 5-31 on page