
FS728TP Smart Switch Software User Manual
5-113 Configuring the Device Using Your Browser
v2.0, November 2006
Inform – Indicates that informs are sent.
User Name – Displays the user to which SNMP notifications are sent.
Security Level – Displays the means by which the packet is authenticated. The possible
field values are:
No Authentication – Indicates that the packet is neither authenticated nor encrypted.
Authentication – Indicates that the packet is authenticated.
UDP Port – The UDP port used to send notifications. The field range is 1-65535. The
default is 162.
Filter Name – Includes or excludes SNMP filters.
Timeout – Indicates the amount of time (seconds) the device waits before resending
informs. The field range is 1-300. The default is 10 seconds.
Retries – Indicates the amount of times the device resends an inform request. The field
range is 1-255. The default is 3.
Delete – Removes the currently selected recipient. The possible field values are:
Checked – Removes the selected recipient from the list of recipients.
Unchecked – Maintains the list of recipients.
2. Click . The Add Trap Station Management Page opens: