
Reference Manual for the Model DG814 ADSL Modem Internet Gateway
5-2 Content Filtering
The log is a detailed record of what websites you have accessed or attempted to access. Up to 128
entries are stored in the log. Log entries will only appear when keyword blocking is enabled, and
no log entries will be made for the Trusted User. An example is shown below:
Log entries are described in Table 5-1
Table 5-1. Log entry descriptions
Field Description
Number The index number of the content filter log entries. 128 entries
are available numbered from 0 to 127. The log will keep the
record of the latest 128 entries.
Date and Time The date and time the log entry was recorded.
Source IP The IP address of the initiating device for this log entry.
Action This field displays whether the access was blocked or allowed.
Address The name or IP address of the website or newsgroup visited or
attempted to access.