FVX338 ProSafe VPN Firewall 200 Reference Manual
v2.0, February 2007
exclusions, scanning 4-47
executable files
e-mail filtering 4-14
FTP filtering 4-43
Web filtering 4-30
facilities, syslog server 6-7
factory defaults
login 1-15
service licenses, automatic retrieval 2-30
settings, reverting to 3-18
failure bypass 1-6
features and capabilities 1-3
file extensions, blocking 4-11, 4-14, 4-26, 4-30, 4-43
file names, blocking 4-11, 4-14
File Transfer Protocol. See FTP.
files, suspicious 7-10
updating 3-19
versions 6-21
fixes,"hot" 7-9
Flash objects 4-3
forum, ProSecureā¢ xiv
FQDN 3-12
front panel
STM150 1-8
STM300 1-10
STM600 1-12
action, infected Web file or object 2-19
audio and video files, filtering 4-43
compressed files, filtering 4-43
default port 2-18, 4-23
enabling scanning 2-18, 4-23
executable files, filtering 4-43
files and objects, sizes 4-43
fully qualified domain name. See FQDN.
gateway address 3-4
Gnutella 4-2, 4-46
Google Talk 4-2, 4-46
GoToMyPC 4-3, 4-46
by IP address and subnet, managing 5-5
by IP membership, authentication 4-51
by name, managing 5-3
local 4-50
membership 5-2
overview 5-1
Web access exceptions, applying to 4-49
guest users 3-9, 3-10
guidelines, performance and sizing 1-5
hard disk usage 6-13
Hard drive (HDD) LED
STM150, not applicable
STM300 1-11
STM600 1-13
serial number 6-21
bottom panel and label 1-16
front panel 1-8
LEDs 1-9, 7-2, 7-3
rear panel 1-14
bottom panel and label 1-16
front panel 1-10
LEDs 1-11, 7-2, 7-3
rear panel 1-15
bottom panel and label 1-17
front panel 1-12
LEDs 1-13, 7-2, 7-3
rear panel 1-15
help button (Web Management Interface) 2-9
security alerts 3-25
importing 4-41
SNMP 3-15
specifying 4-39