1. Get Started and Connect to a WiFi
The NETGEAR A6210 WiFi USB Adapter connects your notebook or desktop computer over
WiFi to an 11ac or other network for applications such as lag-free video streaming throughout
your home, online gaming, and secure and reliable Internet connections.
This chapter describes how to set up and connect the A6210 WiFi USB Adapter, in this manual
referred to as the adapter, to a WiFi network. The chapter includes the following sections:
• Set Up and Install the Adapter
• View Network Details Before Joining a W
iFi Network
• Join a WiFi Network
Note: For more information about the topics covered in this manual, visit the
support website at support.netgear.com.
Note: Firmware updates with new features and bug fixes are made
available from time to time at downloadcenter.netgear.com. Some
products can regularly check the site and download new firmware, or
you can check for and download new firmware manually. If the
features or behavior of your product does not match what is
described in this guide, you might need to update your firmware.