
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software
7-22 Switching Commands
show telnet
This command displays telnet settings.
Format show telnet
Telnet Login Timeout
(minutes) This object indicates the number of minutes a telnet session is allowed to remain
inactive before being logged off.A zero means there will be no timeout. May be
specified as a number from 0 to 160. The factory default is 5.
Maximum Number of
Telnet Sessions Selectable from a pull-down menus for values of from 0 to 5. This object
indicates the number of simultaneous telnet sessions allowed. The factory
default is 5.
Allow New Telnet Sessions Indicates that new telnet sessions will not be allowed when set to no. The
factory default value is yes.
config telnet maxsessions
This command specifies the maximum number of telnet sessions that can be established. A value
of 0 indicates that no telnet session can be established. The range is 0 to 5.
Default 5
Format config telnet maxsessions <0-5>
config telnet mode
This command regulates new telnet sessions. If sessions are enabled, new telnet sessions can be
established until there are no more sessions available. If sessions are disabled, no new telnet
sessions are established. An established session remains active until the session is ended or an
abnormal network error ends it.
Default enable
Format config telnet mode <enable|disable>
config telnet timeout
This command sets the telnet session timeout value, in minutes. A session is active as long as the
session has been idle for the value set. A value of 0 indicates that a session remains active
indefinitely. the time is a decimal value from 0 to 160.
Note: Changing the timeout value for active sessions does not become effective until the session is
reaccessed. Any keystroke will also activate the new timeout duration.