700 Series Managed Switch User’s Guide for Software v2.1
6-2 Command Line Interface
Once you see the root prompt, you are in CLI mode.
If you have a question on what commands you can use, type a question mark ‘?’ at the prompt. A
list of available commands will be presented to you.
There are five items in the root prompt.
• Configure
These five items will be covered below.
The help command displays instructions on how to access help on the CLI.
FSM726# Help
FSM726# ?
To access Help on specific command, you enter a question mark behind the command in
question, then a list of available options will be presented to you. For example, suppose you want
to know the available options to the command cos. You would enter
cos ?.
The ping command is used to check network connectivity. It lets you send a small packet to a
particular host. Once the host receives the packet, it will return the packet to its source. The time
the packet takes for this round trip is recorded in milliseconds. If the destination host is not
available, an error message is returned.
FSM726# ping <IP address>