Frequently Asked Questions
AirCard 779S Mobile Hotspot
Why does the No Signal icon display?
If the No Signal icon ( ) displays on either the LCD or the hotspot web page, make sure
that you are in your network provider’s coverage area.
Why can’t my device access the hotspot web page when
connected to a VPN?
If you are using your hotspot while connected to a VPN, you might not be able to access the
hotspot web page using http://attwifimanager.
To directly access the hotspot web page hosted on the device, enter the address in your browser
Why can’t my hotspot connect to a computer running Windows
A known issue with Microsoft is that computers running Windows Vista cannot obtain an IP
address from certain routers. More information and a fix are available at
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/928233 or visit the Microsoft support website and search for
knowledge base article 928233.
What do I do if my hotspot doesn’t connect to my
service provider’s network?
If your hotspot does not connect to your service provider’s mobile broadband network, try the
following suggestions:
• Make sure that you got the correct micro-SIM card and APN for your hotspot. For more
information, see Set Up Your Hotspot on page 9.
• Make sure that your micro-SIM account is active.
To check micro-SIM status and activate
the account, visit http://attwifimanager.
• If you use a prepaid or pay-as-you-go micro-SIM card, make sure that a positive balance
is listed for the account.
• Y
ou might need to add an APN to your hotspot. For more information, see Configure Your
Hotspot’s Access Point Name on page 50.
• If your hotspot still does not connect, you might need to create or update the default
To check the default connection settings:
1. Launch a web browser from a computer or wireless device that is connected to the
2. Enter http://attwifimanager or
A login screen displays.