Operational Modes 4-9
Enter App #
The first prompt requests the application number. All parameters
for the 5992 application use application number “1”. Type in “1”,
and press Enter. The next prompt displays:
Enter File#
This prompt requests the file number. The file number refers to the
individual parameter. Type the file number, and press Enter. The
next prompt displays:
Refer to your
5992 Developer’s Guide
for the corresponding file
Enter Record #
This prompt requests the record number. The record number is
used to refer to an individual parameter in a group of parameters.
Type the record number, and press Enter. The next prompt
Refer to your
5992 Developer’s Guide
for the corresponding
record number.
Enter Class #
This prompt requests the class number. The parameter class is
either “public” or “private”. Type one of the following class
numbers, and press Enter.
“0” for private class. Private parameters are only used by the
specified application.
“1” for public class. Public parameters can be used by all of the
applications loaded on the 5992 unit. Parameters such as the
terminal serial number, and the program and parameter
version levels are considered public parameters.
Refer to your
5992 Developer’s Guide
for the corresponding class.