Site Preparation i
This book is written for hardware installer/service personnel, system
integrators, and field engineers.
Notice: This document is NCR proprietary information and is not to
be disclosed or reproduced without consent.
Safety Warnings
This equipment is intended for use with an IT power system with a line-to-
line voltage of 240 V or less.
Fuse Replacement
Caution: For continued protection against risk of fire, replace only
with the same type and ratings of fuse.
Attention: Pour prévenir et vous protéger contre un risque de feu,
remplacer la fusible avec une autre fusible de même type, seulement.
Power Supply Cord Used as Disconnect Means
Caution: The power supply cord is used as the main disconnect
device. Ensure that the socket outlet is located/installed near the
equipment and is easily accessible.
Attention: Le cordon d'alimentation est utilisé comme interrupteur
général. La prise de courant doit être située ou installée å proximité du
matériel et être facile d'accés.
Warning: DO NOT connect or disconnect the transaction printer
while the terminal is powered on. This can result in system or printer