Chapter 6: Operating System Recovery 6-3
Updating Procedures
1. Apply power to the terminal so the CD-ROM drive can be opened.
2. Insert the CD that contains the operating system image.
7401 Model Software CD LPINs
Win2000 WinXPe WinNT Win98
7401-21xx, 31xx Not Supported Not Supported D370-0433-0100 D370-0444-0100 *
7401-22xx, 25xx,
32xx, 35xx
D370-0504-0100 D370-0485-0100 D370-0483-0100 D370-0481-0100 *
7401-26xx D370-0484-0100 D370-0567-0100 D370-0483-0100 Not Supported
7401-45xx D370-0554-0100 Not Supported D370-0553-0100 Not Supported
7401-46xx D370-0484-0100 D370-0567-0100 D370-0553-0100 Not Supported
Note: * Support for Windows 98 has been discontinued.
3. Boot the terminal.
4. Press F2 at the screen prompt to enter the Setup Utility.
5. In the Advanced menu, select I/O Device Configuration.
6. Verify that LPT 1 Mode is set to ECP.
7. Go back to the Advanced menu, select Multiple ROM Menu.
8. Set the Parallel CD-ROM Boot to Enabled.
9. Exit Setup and Save Changes.
As the terminal reboots, you should see a message during boot
indicating that the CD-ROM has been recognized:
Micro Solutions BACKPACK CD-ROM v0.3
. . .
Booting from BACKPACK CD
Starting MS-DOS
10. Follow the DOS screen prompts. After each entry you are asked to
confirm your input. You can use 1 or y for Yes, 2 or n for No.