
9.0 Evaluation Board Bill of Materials
Item Qty Reference Part Source
1 7 C1, C3, C6, C9, C10, C11, C12 1 uF Type 1206
2 6 C2, C4, C5, C8, C15, C17 0.1 uF Type 1206
3 1 C7 22 pF (330 pF for ADC12010 / 12020) Type 1206
4 1 C13 22 pF Type 1206
5 2 C14, C16 33 uF, 6.3V Type 7343 (D Size)
6 - C18 not populated n/a
7 - C15A is diode D15 see D15
8 1 D1 RED LED DigiKey # 160-1124-ND
9 2 D2, D3 1N4001 Various
10 1 D5 LM4041BIZ-2.5 National Semiconductor
11 1 D6 1N5227 (Not used for the ADC12L063) Various
12 1 D15 1N4148 Various
13 - D4, D10, D11 not populated n/a
14 1 JP2 3-Pin Post Header DigiKey # A19351-ND
15 - JP3, JP4 not populated n/a
16 3 JS1, JS2, JS3 2-Pin Post Header DigiKey # A19350-ND
17 1 J1 BNC Connector DigiKey # ARF1177-ND
18 1 J2 96-Pin Female DigiKey # H7096-ND
19 - J3 not populated n/a
20 5 L1, L2, L3, L4, L10 Choke DigiKey # M2304-ND
21 - L5 not populated n/a
22 2 P1 Terminal Block DigiKey # ED1609-ND
23 2 Q1, Q2 MMBT2222A (Q1 not used for
24 3 R1, R3, R14 330, 5% (R1 not used for ADC12L063) Type 1206
25 - R2, R10, R19 (R2 & R19 no exist) not used n/a
26 1 R4 0 (shorting strap) n/a
27 2 R5, R18 100, 5% Type 1206
28 2 R6, R17 47, 5% Type 1206
29 2 R7, R8
33, 5% (47 for ADC12010 / 12020)
Type 1206
30 2 R9, R13 200, 5% Type 1206
31 2 R11, R15 10k, 5% Type 1206
32 1 R12 470, 5% Type 1206
33 1 R16 (not used on ADC12L063) 1K, 5% Type 1206
34 1 R20 100k, 5% Type 1206
35 1 R21 1K, 5% Type 1206
36 - R22, R23, R24, R25 not populated n/a
37 2 RP1, RP2 Resistor Pack - 8 x 47 Ohms DigiKey # 767-163-R47-ND
38 1 VR1 1K DigiKey # 3386P-102-ND
39 1 TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6,
TP7, TP8, TP9, TP20
Breakable Header DigiKey # S1012-36-ND
40 - TP10 not populated n/a
41 1 T1 Signal Transformer MiniCircuits type T4-6T
42 1 U1 ADC12010CIVY, ADC12020CIVY,
National Semiconductor
43 1 Y1 10 MHz Oscillator for ADC12010
20 MHz Oscillator for ADC12020
40 MHz Oscillator for ADC12040
60 MHz Oscillator for ADC12L063
Pletronics #P1145-3SD-10.0M
Pletronics #P1145-3SD-20.0M
Pletronics #P1145-3SD-40.00M
Pletronics #P1145-3SD-60.0M or
44 1
6-pin Socket for Transformer DigiKey # AE8906-ND
45 1
4-Pin full-size oscillator socket DigiKey # A462-ND
46 2 -- Jumpers for JP2 & JS3 DigiKey # S9001-ND
9 http://www.national.com