3. Display position is incorrect. Adjust the image position using the <Position>
(p. 24).
The two display modes, VGA 720 × 400
(70 Hz) and 320 × 200 (70 Hz), have the same
signal timings. Using this adjustment selects
the appropriate display mode. (This function
effects only when the resolution is VGA
720 × 400 (70 Hz) or 320 × 200 (70 Hz).
If the problem persists, use the graphics
board’s utility software to change the display
position if available.
4. Vertical bars of distortion appear. Decrease the vertical bars using the
<Clock> (p. 23).
5. Horizontal bars of distortion
Decrease the horizontal bars using the
<Phase> (p. 24).
6. Letters and lines appear blurred. Switch the <Smoothing> (p. 25) mode to “Off”.
7. The screen is too bright or too
Adjust the <Brightness> (The backlight of the
LCD monitor has a fixed life span. When the
screen becomes dark or begins to flicker,
please consult your dealer.)
8. Afterimages appear. Do you use the screen saver or timer (p. 20)
when displaying the same image for extended
periods of time?
Afterimages are particular to LCD monitors.
Avoid displaying the same image for extended
periods of time.
9. The screen has defective pixels
(e.g. slightly light or dark).
This is due to the characteristics of the panel
itself, and not the LCD product.
10. Fingerprints remain on the
Leaving the screen white may solve the
11. The <Smoothing> cannot be
<Smoothing> is disabled when the screen is
displayed in the 1280 × 1024.
Problems Points to check with Possible Solutions