The defi nitions below describe the controls and functions
of the DCA800SSK2 Engine Operating Panel (Figure 5).
Battery Switch 1. — This switch should be set to the ON
position during normal operation. When the engine has
been stop, place this switch in the OFF position. DO
NOT turn this switch during normal operation, it could
cause damage to the electrical equipment.
Engine Speed Switch 2. — This switch controls the
speed of the engine (low/high).
PreHeat Lamp 3. — When ECU is placed in AUX
position, preheat lamp will be ON. When preheat cycle
is completed, lamp will turn OFF.
PreHeat Button 4. — Push this button when the engine
is ready for starting during cold weather operating
conditions. Keep pushing until the preheat lamp is
Emergency Stop Button 5. — Push this button inward to
stop the engine in the event of an emergency. DO NOT
use this button as a means of stopping the engine.
Tachometer 6. — Indicates engine speed in RPM’s for 60
Hz operation. This meter should indicate 1800 RPM’s
when the rated load is applied. In addition a built in hour
meter will record the number of operational hours that
the generator has been in use.
Oil Pressure Gauge 7. — During normal operation this
gauge be should read between 28 to 85 psi. (193~586
kPa). When starting the generator the oil pressure may
read a little higher, but after the engine warms up the oil
pressure should return to the correct pressure range.
Water Temperature Gauge 8. — During normal
operation this gauge be should read between 167°
and 203°F (75°~95°C).
Charging Ammeter Gauge 9. — Indicates the current
being supplied by the engine’s alternator which
provides current for generator’s control circuits and
battery charging system.
Fuel Gauge 10. — Indicates amount of diesel fuel available.
Engine Warning Lamps 11. — There are six engine
warning lamps, they are defi ned as follows:
Overheat Lamp a. — This lamp goes ON
when the cooling water temperature rises
abnormally. If the lamp goes ON during
normal operation of the generator, the
emergency shutdown device will stop the
engine automatically.
Low Oil Pressure Lamp b. — During
normal operation of the generator this
lamp should remain OFF. When the
AutoOFF/ResetManual switch is set to
the MANUAL position to start the engine,
the lamp will be lit. When the oil pressure
rises after startup the lamp will go OFF. If this lamp
is ever lit (ON) during normal operation of the
generator, the emergency shutdown device will stop
the engine automatically.
Low Fuel Level Lamp c. — When this lamp
is ON, it is time to stop the engine and
add fuel. Remember to let the engine cool
before adding fuel.
Air Filter Alarm d. — When the air fi lter
element is clogged, this lamp goes ON
indicating the element should be
immediately cleaned or replaced.
Oil Filter Alarm e. — This lamp goes ON
when the coolant level is low. If this lamp
goes ON while the engine is in operation,
the emergency shutdown device will
automatically stop the engine.
Water Level Lamp f. — This lamp goes ON
when the coolant level is low. If this lamp
goes ON while the engine is in operation,
the emergency shutdown device will
automatically stop the engine.
Engine Operating PanelFigure 5.