Supervising and controlling by computer
You can supervise and control the projector’s operation using a personal computer via a LAN network.
• Tosuperviseandcontroltheprojector,installthesoftware“Projector-ControlDeviceInstaller*”containedinthe
attached CD-ROM. For the installation procedure and usage of the software, see “User Manual for LAN Control
Utility” contained in the attached CD-ROM.
*) Functions
• Settingoftheprojector’sIPaddress
• Settingofpassword,displaylanguage,andLANcontrol
• PJLink™certicationsetting(telnetfunction)
• Startupofthecontrolling/supervisingtool(ProjectorView)usingtheWebbrowser
Major functions
The controlling /supervising tool using the Web browser
This projector supports standard protocol PJLink™ for projector control and you can control and monitor projector’s
operations using the same application among projectors of different models and different manufacturers.
About PJLink™
• TousePJLink™function,thePJLink™applicationsoftwareisrequired.
• ForthespecicationsofPJLink™,accesstotheWebsiteofJapanBusinessMachineandInformationSystem
Industries Association (JBMIA). (http://pjlink.jbmia.or.jp/english)
• ThisprojectorisfullycomplianttothespecicationsofJBMIAPJLink™Class1.Itsupportsallthecommands
defined by PJLink™ Class 1, and the compliance has been verified with the PJLink™ standard specifications
Version 1.0.
To LAN terminal
LAN cable (option)
(100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T should be supported.)
LAN cable (option)
(100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T
should be supported.)
External HUB
• Useastraight-throughcategory-5cableforLANconnection.
• Don’ttouchthemetalpartsoftheLANconnectorandLANcablebecausestaticelectricitymaybedischarged
from your body, causing damage to the projector.
Using the User Manual
The User Manual for LAN Control Utility is prepared in the Portable Document Format (PDF) in the CD-ROM.
Opening the User Manual:
1. Load the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Open CD-ROM “XD3200U.”
3. Double-click on “MANUAL_LAN.HTML” within the CD-ROM. A language selection list for the User Manual will be
4. Move the mouse pointer to the desired language and click.
Advanced features (continued)