Troubleshooting (continued)
If the following problem occurs after the lamp is replaced, check the following first.
Problem Solution
The projector does not
turn on.
• Fitthelampcoversecurely.(Seepage58or59.)
• Resetthelampoperatingtime.(Seepage59.)
The STATUS indicator
• Resetthelampoperatingtime.(Seepage59.)
• Donotuseammablesolvents(benzene,thinner,etc.)andammableaerosolswhencleaningtheprojectorbody
and lens. Flammable substances may ignite causing fire or breakdown while the lamp is illuminating.
• Besuretoturnoffthelampandunplugthepowercordfromthewalloutletbeforeyouperformanymaintenance
on the projector.
• Askyourdealerforannualcleaningoftheinsideoftheprojector.Ifyoucontinuetousetheprojectorwithdust
inside, it may result in fire or malfunction.
Cleaning of the projector and the vents
Use a soft cloth to clean the projector and the vents. When the vents become dirty, wipe them with a soft cloth
dampened with diluted mild detergent, and then wipe them with a dry cloth.
To protect the surface of the projector from fading or deteriorating:
• Donotsprayinsecticideonorinsidetheprojector.
• Donotusebenzinorthinnertocleanit.
• Donotletrubberorplasticmaterialscontactwithprojector.
Cleaning of the lens
Remove dust or dirt using the commercially available lens care products (such as cleaning paper or cloth for lens
and blower brush).
• Sincethelenssurfaceissensitive,donotscrubitwithasolidobjectortaponit.
• Donotwipethelenswithlenscleanerorsolventcontainingalcohol.Doingsomaycausewipemarksorpeeloff
the lens coating and the focus performance may be affected.
• Makesuretocleanthelensafterthelampisturnedoffandthelensiscooledsufciently.
Kensington Lock
This projector has a Kensington Security Standard connector for use with Kensington MicroSaver Security System.
Refer to the information that came with the Kensington System for instructions on how to use it to secure the
projector. Please contact Kensington Technology Group below.
Kensington Technology Group
2855 Campus Drive
San Mateo, CA 94403, U.S.A.
Phone:+1-(650)572-2700 Fax:+1-(650)572-9675