7. E-mail setting
When the communication with the projector monitored by the theft detector is disrupted, a warning E-mail can be
sent to the designated address, enabling to serve for early detection of the projector theft.
The E-mail setting can not be set at every projector and every group. The same setting should be set for all
7.1. Connection with E-mail server
Connect the E-mail server to the network to which the controller PC and the projector are connected that
“ProjectorView Global+” is operating.
7.2. E-mail setting
Designate the address of the E-mail server and the address of the destination to be sent.
• Asforthenetworkenvironment,conrmtothenetworkadministrator.
(1) Select “Edit E-mail Setting” from “Configuration” of the menu bar on the main screen.
• “EditE-mailSetting”windowisdisplayed.
(2) Input the setting item for the network environment, and click [Save].
Item Description
E-mailServer(SMTP) EntertheIPaddressoftheE-mailserver(Example:,or
Destination E-mail Address Enter the destination E-mail address using up to 64 single-byte
7.3. Sending test E-mail
After completing the setting of the each item on the E-mail Setting window, a test E-mail can be sent to confirm
whether the E-mail is correctly delivered to the destination. When clicking [Test E-mail] at the upper right on
the Email Setting window, the test E-mail is issued. Confirm whether the E-mail is correctly delivered to the
destination address.
• TheE-mailfunctionwillbeexecutedwhile“ProjectorViewGlobal+”isinoperation.
• IfthetestE-mailisnotcorrectlyreceived,conrmtheaddressoftheE-mailserverandthedestination,and
the connection status of the network. For details, make an inquiry to the network administrator.
• TheE-mailmaypossiblynotbedelivereddependingonthecerticationfunctionoftheE-mailserver.For
details, make an inquiry to the network administrator.
• Whenthecommunicationwiththeprojectormonitoredbythetheftdetectorisdisrupted,atheftcheckerror
dialog is displayed.
However, the projector list isn’t updated at the same time because it takes some time to update the list.