14 - 21
14.5.3 Parameters
(1) Specify the parameter group
The group of the parameters to be operated must be specified in advance to read or write the parameter
settings, etc. Write data to the servo amplifier as described below to specify the parameter group to be
Command Data No. Transmission Data Parameter Group
[8] [5] [0] [0] 0000 Basic setting parameter (No.PA )
0001 Gain filter parameter (No.PB )
0002 Extension setting parameter (No.PC )
0003 I/O setting parameter (No.PD )
(2) Reading the parameter group
Read the parameter group.
(a) Transmission
Send command [0][4] and data No.[0][1].
Command Data No.
[0] [4] [0] [1]
(b) Reply
The slave station sends back the preset parameter group.
Parameter group
0: Basic setting parameter (No.PA )
1: Gain filter parameter (No.PB )
2: Extension setting parameter (No.PC )
3: I/O setting parameter (No.PD )
9: Option unit parameter (No.Po )
(3) Reading the symbol
Read the parameter name. Specify the parameter group in advance (refer to (1) in this section).
(a) Transmission
Transmit command [0][8] and the data No. corresponding to the parameter No., [0][1] to [F][F]. (Refer to
section 14.4.1.)
The data No. is expressed in hexadecimal. The decimal equivalent of the data No. value corresponds to
the parameter number.
(b) Reply
The slave station sends back the name of the parameter No. requested.
Name characters (9 digits)