13 - 21
(3) External input pin status read (CN4A CN4B)
Read the ON/OFF statuses of the external input pins.
(a) Transmission
Transmit command [1][2] and data No. [4][3].
Command Data No.
[1][2] [4][3]
(b) Reply
The slave station sends back the ON/OFF statuses of the output pins.
1: ON
0: OFF
Command of each bit is transmitted to the master
station as hexadecimal date.
bit External input pin bit External input pin bit External input pin bit External input pin
0 CN4A-1 8 CN4A-26 16 CN4B-1 24 CN4B-26
1 CN4A-2 9 CN4A-27 17 CN4B-2 25 CN4B-27
2 CN4A-3 10 CN4A-28 18 CN4B-3 26 CN4B-28
3 CN4A-4 11 CN4A-29 19 CN4B-4 27 CN4B-29
4 CN4A-5 12 CN4A-30 20 CN4B-5 28 CN4B-30
5 CN4A-6 13 CN4A-31 21 CN4B-6 29 CN4B-31
6 CN4A-7 14 CN4A-32 22 CN4B-7 30 CN4B-32
7 CN4A-8 15 CN4A-33 23 CN4B-8 31 CN4B-33
(4) External output pin status read (CN1A CN1B)
Read the ON/OFF statuses of the external output pins.
(a) Transmission
Transmit command [1][2] and data No. [C][0].
Command Data No.
[1][2] [C][0]
(b) Reply
The slave station sends back the ON/OFF statuses of the output pins.
1: ON
0: OFF
Command of each bit is transmitted to the master
station as hexadecimal date.
bit External output pin bit External output pin bit External output pin bit External output pin
0 CN1A-3 8 CN1B-6 16 CN1A-27 24 CN1B-23
1 CN1A-6 9 CN1B-8 17 CN1B-27 25 CN1B-22
2 CN1A-8 10 CN1B-11 18 CN1A-25 26
3 CN1A-11 11 CN1A-11 19 CN1A-24 27
4 CN1A-28 12 CN1A-28 20 CN1A-23 28
5 CN1A-30 13 CN1A-30 21 CN1A-22 29
6 CN1A-33 14 CN1A-32 22 CN1B-25 30
7 CN1B-3 15 CN1A-35 23 CN1B-24 31