
Supervising and controlling by computer
You can supervise and control the projector’s
operation using a personal computer via a LAN.
Major functions
ProjectorView Global+
Batch projector controlling / supervising application
• Batchoperationofstand-aloneprojector/multiple
• SchedulingfunctiontoturnON/OFFforeachdayof
the week
• Checkingeachconditionoftheprojectorand
detecting a theft
• Settingoftheprojector’sIPCONFIG
• Startupofthecontrolling/supervisingtool
(ProjectorView) using the Web browser
• ActivatingVisualPA2todisplaythespecied
characters on the projector’s screen
• Projector’sTextSpeechfunctiontoreadaloud
messages displayed on the Visual PA2 window
The controlling /supervising tool using the Web
• Controllingandsupervisingasingleprojector
• Settingoftheprojector’snetworkfunction
• SettingoftheAlertE-mailserviceoftheprojector
This projector supports standard protocol PJLink™
for projector control and you can control and monitor
projector’s operations using the same application
among projectors of different models and different
About ProjectorView Global+ and ProjectorView
• Fordetails,see“LANcontrolUTILITYoperation
manual” in the CD-ROM.
About PJLink™
• TousePJLink™function,thePJLink™
application software is required.
To use this function, set the PJLink™ certification
properly according to the setting of the network
application to be used. (See page 46.)
• ForthespecicationsofPJLink™,accessto
the Web site of Japan Business Machine and
Information System Industries Association
(JBMIA). (http://pjlink.jbmia.or.jp/english)
• Thisprojectorisfullycomplianttothe
specifications of JBMIA PJLink™ Class 1. It
supports all the commands defined by PJLink™
Class 1, and the compliance has been verified
with the PJLink™ standard specifications
Version 1.0.
• ForthecommandsforPJLink™,seethetableon
the next page.
• The control may not be performed correctly or the
monitoring data may not be obtained correctly in
the following conditions:
· During standby
· During input source switching
· During auto position execution
· During command processing
· Before the splash screen disappears after the
power is turned on.
• Use 1 controller to control/monitor 1 projector.
• For how to control/monitor using PJLink™, see the
operation manual of the PJLink™ application you
• Whenyoumonitortheprojector’soperatingstate
using this function by issuing inquiry commands
successively, issue an inquiry command after
receiving the response to the previous inquiry
command from the projector.
Advanced features (continued)