App - 18
Appendix 5 Program for Refresh when Using Multiple Local Modules
Appendix 5.2 Program for refresh
3) Refresh information table range of use
• For local station No.4, all ranges are used.
• For local stations No.5 to No.7, the area shown below is used.
Note that Presence or absence of refresh information table (Buffer
memory address: 0
H, 1H) uses the shaded parts in the figure below.
Table App.6 Refresh information table range for local stations No.5 to No.7
Hexadecimal Decimal
0H to 1H 0 to1 Presence or absence of refresh information table
2H 2
Refresh information table (First
half of link parameters)
Host station send
range in W
Start number (0 to FFF)
3H 3 Points (in units of words)
8H 8
Host station send
range in B
Start number (0 to FF0)
9H 9 Points (in units of words)
EH 14
Host station send
range in Y
Start number (0 to 7F0)
FH 15 Points (in units of words)
11H 17
Host station receive
range in X
Start number (0 to 7F0)
12H 18 Points (in units of words)
14H 20
Refresh information table
(Latter half of link parameters)
Host station send
range in W
Start number (0 to FFF)
15H 21 Points (in units of words)
1AH 26
Host station send
range in B
Start number (0 to FF0)
1BH 27 Points (in units of words)
Figure App.7 "Presence or absence of refresh information table" ranges for local stations No.5 to No.7
0: No setting, 1: Setting exists
Host station send range in W
Other station send range (1) in W
Other station send range (2) in W
Host station send range in B
Other station send range (1) in B
Other station send range (2) in B
Host station send range in Y
Host station receive range in X
First half of
link parameters
Host station send range in W
Other station send range (1) in W
Other station send range (2) in W
Host station send range in B
Other station send range (1) in B
Other station send range (2) in B
Latter half of
link parameters
Special relay (for link), special register (for link)
ddress: 0H
b15 b0b8 b7to to
(For system)
0: No setting, 1: Setting exists
Send range of master station for second tier
(first half) of B/W
ddress: 1H
b15 b0b2 b1to
Send range of master station for second tier
(latter half) of B/W
(For system)