
Contact Center Client 187
• Hide and show columns
• Filter device variables
• Set alarms
• Clear alarms
• Define monitor styles
• Group data
• Print monitors
• Arrange windows
• Modify the view
• Build marquee monitors to broadcast statistics and messages
• Chat online with agents and supervisors
Contact Center Client options
The following options apply to real-time monitors.
Call recording
On the Agent State by Time, Agent State by Position, and Agent State by Queue by Time monitors, the Call
recording option enables you to start, stop, and restart call recording at any time during a call. See “Recording
calls” on page 380.
Clear alarms
The Clear alarms command clears any current performance variable threshold alarms.
Set alarms
The Set alarms command specifies performance thresholds for queues and agents.
Add/Remove devices
The Add/Remove devices command adds or removes devices or device groups from the monitor. If you add
agents, they are added to the bottom of the monitor.
Set table dimensions
On the Agent State by Position, Employee State by Position, and Extension State by Position monitors, the
Set table dimensions command adds or deletes columns or rows. If you delete devices, they are deleted them
from the lower-right side of the monitor.
Size table to frame
On all monitors, the Size table to frame command adjusts the table to fit within the frame
Sort monitor
On the Agent State by Position, Employee State by Position, and Extension State by Position monitors, the
Sort monitor by Agent ID, name, state, or extension command sorts agents by Agent ID, name, state and time
in state, or extension.
Filter device variables
On the Agent Shift, Queue by Period, and Queue Now monitors, the Filter device variables command filters
the data based on conditions you specify and displays a subset of data on the monitor.
On all monitors, under Properties, the General option specifies the monitor name and enables the horizontal
and vertical scroll bars.
On the queue monitors, you can also enable grouping.