Hot Desking
Hot Desking allows you to log into the telephone system from any phone
designated as a Hot Desk phone. Simply log in at the phone using your
assigned Hot Desk User Extension Number and the phone immediately
assumes all your speed dials, features keys, call forwarding setup, and line
appearances – even your language preference for the display. Any changes
you make to the phone while you are logged in—for example, adding a
speed dial—are saved to your personal profile. Logging in activates your
profile on any phone that supports Hot Desking.
Note: All Hot Desking profiles have 13 programmable keys. If you log into a
phone that has a fewer number of keys, the extra ones are "hidden". Only
the use of the extra keys is lost, not the features assigned to them.
To log into a Hot Desking 5212 IP Phone (the phone must be idle):
1. Dial 222.
2. Press *.
3. Enter your Hot Desk User Extension Number
4. Press *.
To log out of Hot Desking 5212 IP Phone (the phone must be idle):
1. Dial 333.
2. Press #.
3. Press the *.
To log into a Hot Desking 5224 IP Phone (the phone must be idle):
1. Press the HotDesk softkey.
2. Press the Login softkey.
3. Enter your Hot Desk User Extension Number.
4. Press the Okay softkey.