logo Use Car Pool
You can instruct Mio Map to use car pool lanes currently available only in the USA.
6.4 Language & Units
Here you can set the languages, measurement units, and date and time formats
used by Mio Map.
6.4.1 Program language
This button displays the current written language of the program. By tapping the
button you can select from a list of available languages. Mio Map will have to be
restarted if you change this setting. Mio Map will ask for confirmation before it
6.4.2 Voice language
This button shows the current language of the voice guidance. By tapping the button
you can select from a list of available languages and speakers. Tap any of these to
hear a sample voice prompt. Just tap OK when you have selected the new spoken
6.4.3 Units
You can set the distance units to be used by the program. Mio Map may not support
all of the listed units in some voice guidance languages. If you select a measurement
unit that is not supported by the chosen voice guidance language, you will see a red
warning message under the selector.