Stratos LV/LV-T Technical Manual 147
The following functions remain active when the replacement
indication is reached:
• Mode switching
• PMT detection and termination
• Biventricular synchronization
The statistics are frozen when ERI is reached.
High Output Settings – High output settings combined with
extremely low lead impedance may reduce the life expectancy
of the Stratos CRT-Ps. Programming of pulse amplitudes,
higher than 4.8 V, in combination with long pulse widths
and/or high pacing rates may lead to premature activation of
the replacement indicator.
Table 31 shows the expected longevity (in months) from BOS to
ERI at standard program for Stratos CRT-Ps. The
Stratos programmer software provides an estimated time to ERI
in months and years that is updated each time the device is
reprogrammed. This estimation allows the physician to
understand the longevity effects of modifying programmed
parameters. The data is based on the referenced lead
impedance for each chamber, 100% biventricular pacing and the
data supplied by the battery manufacturer.
Table 31: Nominal pulse generator longevity
Pulse Generator
(BOS - ERI) in Months
Stratos LV / LV-T (500 ohms) 51
Stratos LV / LV-T (1000 ohms) 60
Standard: 60 ppm, 3.6 V, 0.4 ms