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Histogram Correction – To Correct RGB Channels Separately:
1. Click the “RGB Histograms” button.
The “Tone Curves and Histogram” window is
expanded to the right and each histogram for “R”, “G”
and “B” (figure-lower left) appears.
You can close the histogram for each channel by
click the “RGB Histograms” button again.
2. Drag the “Upper Limit Setting” ( in
the right-hand) and the “Lower Limit
Setting” ( in the left-hand) controls of
the “Input Level” slide bar with the
mouse for each channel, or type an
appropriate number in each box of the
“Input Level” and the “Output Level”
fields directly.
The correction result will be reflected in the preview
image in the corrected image display area.
You can cancel all kinds of correction performed in the
“Tone Curves and Histogram” window by clicking “Reset”.
The preview image in the corrected image display area
will return to the original status where no corrections are