Installation surface
A concrete floor is the most suitable in-
stallation surface for a washing ma-
chine, being far less prone to vibration
during the spin cycle than wooden
floorboards or a surface with "soft"
Please note the following points:
The machine must be level and se-
curely positioned.
To avoid vibrations during spinning,
the machine should not be installed
on soft floor coverings.
If installing on a wooden joist floor,
we recommend a plywood base at
least 30 mm thick, 590 x 520 mm
wide. The base should span several
joists and be bolted to the joists, not
only to the floorboards. Check for the
presence of pipes and cables first.
The most stable part of the floor is
usually in the corner.
If the machine is installed on a
raised plinth, it has to be secured
against slippage during spin using
retaining clips (available from the
Miele Spare Parts Dept).
Lift the machine from its packaging
base and move it to its site. Please
Do not lift the machine by the
drum door.
Ensure that the machine feet and the
floor are dry to prevent the machine
from slipping during the spin cycle.
Removing the transit fitting
Turn the left-hand transit bar 90°.