Suitable pans
For optimum energy consumption
during cooking, only pans with flat or
very slightly concave bases should
be used. When the pan is hot, the
base should rest evenly on the hob.
Uneven bases will lengthen cooking
time. Check for suitability when
purchasing new pans.
cold hot
– Check that the diameter of the pan
base is wide enough for the cooking
zone so that heat is not lost
unnecessarily. Please note that the
maximum diameter quoted by
manufacturers often refers to the
diameter of the top rim of the pan.
The diameter of the base (generally
smaller) is more important.
too small suitable
Energy saving tips
Use a pan lid whenever possible to
minimise heat loss.
uncovered covered
When cooking for a long time, switch
the cooking zone off about 5 to 10
minutes before the end of the
cooking time. In this way use is made
of the residual heat.