Turn the function selector to
"Defrost G"
For defrosting meat and delicate food
we recommend defrosting at room tem-
perature, i.e. without selecting an oven
However, an oven temperature of up to
50°C can be selected.
– Where possible remove the packa-
ging and put the food to be de-
frosted on a baking tray or into a
– All meat and poultry should be fully
defrosted before cooking. Do not
use the liquids from defrosting.
– When defrosting poultry put it on the
rack over the grill pan / oven tray to
catch the defrosted liquid, so that
the meat is not lying in this liquid.
It is particularly important to ob-
serve food hygiene rules when de-
frosting poultry. Do not use the liq-
uid from the defrosted poultry. Pour
it away, and wash the tray, the sink
and your hands.
– Fish does not need to be fully de-
frosted before cooking. Defrost so
that the surface is sufficiently soft to
take herbs and seasoning.
Do not refreeze food once it has
The time needed for defrosting de-
pends on the type and weight of the
food, and at what temperature it was
deep frozen.