Rotisserie Chart
Type of meat Weight Grill temperature
Grill 2 n
Small chicken 1.1 kg 240°C 30 - 40 mins
Medium chicken 1.3 kg 240°C 45 - 60 mins
Large chicken 1.8 kg 240°C 60 - 70 mins
Marinated chicken portions
Chicken leg, Chicken breast
700 g
385 g
15 - 20 mins
15 - 20 mins
Poussin (baby chicken) 450 g 240°C 30 - 35 mins
Duck *(medium bird) 1.6 kg 240°C 60 mins
Topside, small joint 0.7 kg 220°C Rare 30 - 40 mins
Medium 45 - 60 mins
Well done 60 - 70 mins
Rolled, boned leg 1.3 kg 200°C Medium 50 - 60 mins
Well done 75 - 85 mins
Rolled, boned shoulder 1 kg 200°C Medium 50 - 60 mins
Well done 75 - 80 mins
Shish kebabs 3 skewers 220°C 12-15 mins
Boned leg 900 g 240°C 60 – 75 mins
Pork kebabs (1 inch cubes) for 3 skewers 240°C 15 - 20 mins
NB This chart is intended as a guide only, individual tastes and cuts of meat will vary.
* Care should be taken when using the rotisserie for duck. Because of the fat content,
spitting is inevitable and will cause a lot of fat splashes around the oven. Fit the roasting
filter in the back of the oven.
Rotisserie Chart