Technical Information
Master Chef Ovens
4.1 Cooling Fan – Specifications
Table 4-1: Cooling Fan Specifications
4.2 Cooling Air Intake
The Cooling Fan (Figure 4-1, Item 9) takes in the air through the opening
below the Door. The air flows between the Outer and Interior Glass
Panes and into the area between the Housing and Upper Holding Plate
Insulation Mat.
4.3 Vapor Intake
The Cooling Fan takes in the vapor through the Vapor Outlet (Figure 4-1,
Item 8) and the Exhaust Duct (Figure 4-1, Item 10).
4.4 Cooling Air Path
The Cooling Fan moves the air and vapor into the air vents (Figure 4-1,
Item 7) and through the opening between the Bottom Plate and the Lower
Insulation Mat (Figure 4-1, Item 5).
4.5 Cooling Air Exit
The cooling air exits via the opening between the vent strip and bottom
plate (Figure 4-1, Item 4).
4.6 Door Contact Switch (1S24 & 2S24)
The Door switch monitors the opening and closing of the door.
If the door is opened during cooking, the Convection Fan and Heating
Elements for the respective oven are turned off.
Power Requirement
120V / 60 Hz
Wattage – Normal Speed
23 W
Wattage – High Speed (Self Cleaning)