Operating the washing machine
Standard display
The standard display shows the follow‐
ing from left to right:
– the programme duration
– the selected wash temperature
– the selected spin speed
Examples on how to operate
the machine
Scrolling through a list
The arrows in the display indicate
that a list is available.
Touching the sensor scrolls down the
list to the next option and touching the
sensor scrolls up the list to the next
option. The OK sensor is used to acti‐
vate the option which is currently in the
Identifying options selected
If an option has been activated, this will
be indicated by a tick next to it.
Setting numerical values
A numerical value is highlighted in
white. Touching the sensor decrea‐
ses the value and touching the sen‐
sor increases it. The OK sensor is used
to activate the value which is currently
in the display.
Exiting a sub-menu
Select Back to exit a sub-menu.