Removal and Installation of Modules
All modules must be installed to a valid slot position. Incorrect assignment of modules to slots may result in hardware
failure or poor performance, although the modules themselves will not be damaged.
Circuit card assemblies contain Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) components. Take appropriate precautions
when handling expansion modules.
Module Removal
1. Power off the LX-300.
2. Label all cables attached to the module.
3. Disconnect all cables from the module.
4. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, completely loosen the module mounting captive machine screws. There are
two or four mounting captive machine screws, located at the top and bottom edges of the module. The captive
machine screws are permanently attached to the module.
5. Using gentle force, grasping the left-most pair of captive machine screws, pull the module from the frame. If the
module does not slide out easily, stop and find what is blocking it. Do not pry the module out!
6. Immediately place the module in an anti-static bag.
Do not pull the module using the right-hand pair of mounting captive machine screws. They are not attached to the
module. Pulling on them will distort the panel.
Module Installation
1. Power off the LX-300.
2. Check the slot assignments. Modules will not function if assigned to an incompatible slot. Remove the blank
slot cover, if used.
3. Ensure the module engages the top and bottom rails. Modules that are not correctly aligned with the rails will
not install correctly. Using gentle force, slide the module firmly into place. Do not force the module!
4. Secure the mounting captive machine screws firmly and equally. Finger-tighten only: do not over-tighten.
Tighten the left-most captive machine screws first.
Push the module using the left-most mounting captive machine screws. Do not apply force to the right-most captive
machine screws: they are not attached to the module and pushing them will distort the panel.
5. Attach cables, according to labeling. Ensure cables are snapped or fastened firmly into place.
6. If installing the LX-DSP, LX-EXP, or LX-VRA processor modules, set the Frame ID.
7. Power on the LX-300.
Removal and Installation of Modules