Read the Latitude Scale
As Max needs to be polar aligned, you will need to set the latitude scale for you lati-
tude range. The Latitude scale has three sets of measurements, one for each latitude
range: 0 to 30°, 30° to 60° and 60 to 90°. Note that there are five extra degrees beyond
both 0 and 90°. This allows you to add for latitudes just slightly below 0 and just slight-
ly above 90 degrees. For instructions as to how to set up the pedestal (or wedge) for
you latitude range, see step 8, page 15.
A short tick marks on the scale represents one-half degree, a long tick marks repre-
sents one degree. Line up your latitude with the indicator line at the edge of scale.
Line up your
latitude with
the indicator
Count the longer
tick marks down to
the indicator
In the example above, lets say you have chosen the latitude range of 30 to 60
degrees.This is the middle set of numbers (30, 40, 50 and 60). Count the number of
longer tick marks from 40 down to the indicator. Always count from the set of num-
bers closest to the indicator. As there are four longer ticks down to the indicator, the
scale reads 44 degrees. If you had chosen the 0 to 30 degree range, the scale
reads 14 degrees. Additionally, if you chosen the 60 to 90 degree range, the scale
reads 74 degrees.
Looking at or near the
will cause
damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the
Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.