• Use GPS allows you to disable use of the GPS
to determine the time and your telescope’s
location. If your scope is mounted in an
observatory, or on a permanent mount, disabling
the GPS can speed your startup. When the GPS
is disabled, you are presented a menu that offers
you the choice of using the previous locations,
and the internal clock time, entering the date,
time and location manually, taking a GPS x, or
starting in a Demo/Terrestrial mode.
• Rev. N/S allows you to reverse the function of
the up and down arrow keys. This can be handy
when using diagonals.
• Rev. E/W allows you to reverse the function of
the left and right arrow keys. This can be handy
when using diagonals.
• Parking Place allows you to set a custom park
position. This is convenient for permanently
mounted scopes that will be restarted and parked
after every use.
• Custom Rate allows you to make minor
adjustments to the telescopes tracking rate.
Tip: If you are having difculties with the telescope,
the rst step to getting back on track is to use
the Preferences – Restore Factory Defaults
command rate.
Calibrate allows you to precisely tune several aspects
of your telescope for peak performance. Calibration
options include:
• Smart Drive allows you train the equatorial
tracking of the telescope for peak performance.
This option is only available when the telescope is
mounted on the optional tripod and
equatorial wedge.
• Azimuth Drive allows you train your azimuth
drive for peak pointing accuracy.
• Elevation Drive allows you train your elevation
drive for peak pointing accuracy.
• Finder Bias recalibrates the ECLIPS
camera’s electronics.
• Finder Darks takes thermal calibration data for
the ECLIPS camera.
• Finder Center recomputes the center of the
ECLIPS camera. When you change diagonals or
other equipment the alignment of the equipment
with the ECLIPS camera can change. If you are
getting good alignments, but objects are
consistently off center by the same amount, you
should use the option to correct the problem.