Squared O
Too Much Hook
WARNING: Maintain the proper hook
angle according to the manufacturer’s specifi-
cations for the chain you are using. Improper
hook angle will increase the chance o f kick-
back which can result in serious injury.
4. Check and lower depth gauges.
Depth Gauge Tool
Depth Gauge
S Place gauge tool on cutter.
S If the depth gauge is higher than the
the depth gauge tool.
S Maintain rounded front corner of
depth gauge with a flat file.
NOTE: The very top of the depth
gauge should be flat with the front
half rounded off with a flat file.
If you require further assistance or are unsure
about performing this procedure, contact your
authorized service dealer .
WARNING: The chain will be moving
during most of this procedure. W ear your pro-
tective equipment and observe all safety pre-
cautions. The chain must not move at idle
The carburetor has been carefully set atthe
factory. Adjustments may be necessary if
you notice any of the following conditions:
S Chain moves at idle.See IDLESPEED--T
adjusting procedure.
S Saw willnot idle.SeeIDLESPEED--T ad-
justing procedure.
Idle Speed-- T
Allow engineto idle. If thechain moves, idle
istoofast. Iftheenginestalls,idleis tooslow.
Adjustspeeduntil engine runs withoutchain
movement (idle too fast) or stalling (idle too
slow). Theidlespeedscrew islocatedinthe
area above the primer bulb and is labeled T.
S Turnidle speed screw (T) clockwise to in-
crease engine speed.
S Turn idle speed screw (T) counterclock-
wise to decrease engine speed.
cool, and secure the unit before storing or
transporting in a vehicle. Store unit and fuel
in an area where fuel vapors cannot reach
sparks or open flames from water heaters,
electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
that any sharp object cannot accidentally
cause injury to passersby.Storethe unitout
of reach of children.
S Before storing, drain all fuel from the unit.
Start engine andallow torun untilit stops.
S Clean the unit beforestoring. Pay particu-
larattention tothe airintake area,keeping
it free of debris. Use a mild detergent and
sponge to clean the plastic surfaces.
S Donotstoretheunitorfuelinaclosedarea
where fuel vapors can reach sparks or an
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
S Store in a dry area out of thereach ofchil-
S Ensure the machine is cleaned and that a
complete service is carried out before
long--term storage.
S The guide bar and chain must a lways b e
covered with a scabbard when the machine
is being transported or i n storage in order to
prevent accident contact with the sharp
chain. Even a non--moving chain can cause
serious cuts to yourself or persons you
bump into with an exposed chain.
CAUTION: It is important to prevent
gum deposits from forming in essential fuel
system parts such as the carburetor,fuelfil-
ter, fuelhose, orfuel tank during storage. Al-
cohol blendedfuels (calledgasohol or using
ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture
which leads to fuel mixture separation and
formationofacidsduringstorage. Acidicgas
can damage the engine.