
Evaluates: MAX1416/MAX1415/MX7705
MAX1416 Evaluation Kit/
Evaluation System
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Component Suppliers
Taiyo Yuden 800-348-2496 847-925-0899 www.t-yuden.com
TDK 847-803-6100 847-390-4405 www.component.tdk.com
Note: Please indicate that you are using the MAX1416 when contacting these component suppliers.
Quick Start
Required Equipment
Before you begin, you need the following equipment:
MAX1416EVC16 (contains a MAX1416EVKIT board
and a 68HC16MODULE-DIP)
DC power supply, +7VDC to +12VDC at 0.25A
DC power supply, +5VDC
Windows 98/2000/XP computer with an available serial
(COM) port
9-pin I/O extension cable
Do not turn on the power until all connections are
1) Ensure that JU1, JU2, and JU4 are closed, and that
JU3 is in the 1-2 position (see Table 1 for jumper
2) Carefully connect the boards by aligning the 40-pin
header of the MAX1416 EV kit with the 40-pin con-
nector of the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module. Gently
press them together. The two boards should be
flush against one another.
3) Connect the +5VDC power source to the MAX1416
EV kit at terminal block TB1. Observe the polarity
marked on the board.
4) Connect the +7VDC to +20VDC power source to
the µC module at the terminal block located next to
the on/off switch, along the top edge of the µC
module. Observe the polarity marked on the board.
5) Connect a cable from the computer’s serial port to
the µC module. If using a 9-pin serial port, use a
straight-through, 9-pin female-to-male cable. If the
only available serial port uses a 25-pin connector, a
standard 25-pin to 9-pin adapter is required. The
EV kit software checks the modem status lines
(CTS, DSR, DCD) to confirm that the correct port
has been selected.
6) Install the evaluation software on your computer by
running the INSTALL.EXE program on the disk. The
program files are copied and icons are created for
them in the Windows Start menu.
7) Turn on the power supply.
8) Start the MAX1416 program by clicking on its icon
in the Start menu.
9) The program prompts you to connect the µC mod-
ule and to turn on its power. Slide SW1 to the ON
position. Select the correct serial port, and click
OK. The program automatically downloads its soft-
ware to the module.
10) When the main window appears (Figure 1), click
Initialize and then Calibrate.
11) Apply input signals between AIN1+ and AIN1-. Tie
the unused analog input AIN2+ and AIN2- to GND.
Click Read or check Auto Read. Observe the code
and voltage readout on the screen.
Detailed Description
of Software
The main window of the evaluation software controls the
features of the MAX1416. The Measurement tab sheet is
used to initialize, calibrate, and read data. Prior to read-
ing the MAX1416, select the appropriate MCLK master-
clock input source and click Initialize. The FS1 and FS0
bits in the clock register determine the data rate.
The Initialize button writes the clock register INT,
CLKDIS, CLKDIV, CLK, and FS bits, and then writes to
the setup register with FSYNC = 1. The exact value
written to the clock register depends on the MCLK
input setting, and can be viewed by bringing up the
Clock tab sheet after initialization.
The Calibrate button first writes the setup register with
FSYNC = 1, then writes setup with MD = 01 (self-cali-
bration mode) and FSYNC = 0. After DRDY returns low,
the MAX1416 setup register automatically returns to
MD = 00 and FSYNC = 0.