Step 1: Ensure the seacock is
Step 2: Ensure that there is
diesel fuel in the tank. Full is
better than partial, but if partial
is all, the tank should be at least
one-quarter or more full.
Step 3: Ensure the 12-volt
battery is fully charged. is becomes even more critical if the
restart requires multiple tries.
Step 4: Ensure the emergency stop button on the engine is in
the run position. (e button will be “out” or extended from
the block.)
Step 5: Prime fuel to the lter
by loosening the bleed screw
and hand priming the pump
to get all the air out of the
lter. Nothing but fuel should
be owing out of the bleed
screw—no air.
Step 6: Tighten the bleed screw
on the lter and continue
priming fuel on the hand-priming pump. Observe the fuel
sight gauge on the engine. ere should be no air bubbles in
the sight gauge.
Step 7: Open the throttle lever to approximately one-quarter
travel and attempt to start the engine. If the engine does not start
aer several attempts, go to the next step.
Step 8: Remove the connector from the fuel pressure regulat-
ing valve.
Step 9: Loosen the injector nut
on the lies of the le and right
banks of the high-pressure rails.
Crank the engine over until
a steady ow of fuel is visible
coming out of the lines.
Step 10: Tighten the injector nut
on the lines on the le and right
banks of the high-pressure rails.
Step 11: Install the connector
to the fuel pressure regulating
Step 12: Crank the engine. If it
still does not start, repeat Steps
10 through 12 several times. If the engine still does not start,
continue to the next Step.
Step 13: is should be done
only as a last resort. Remove
the air lter and squirt start-
ing uid into the intake while
cranking the engine. Advance
the throttle lever to one-quarter
of its travel when spraying the
Do not overuse ether. Too much starting uid can cause detona-
tion within the engine that can damage components and doing so
may void your warranty!
Step 14: Repeat until the engine starts. Allow the engine to run
for at least a couple of minutes at 1,000-1,200 R.P.M..
Step 15: Shut o the engine.
Step 16: Aer a few seconds, restart the engine to ensure that
the fuel ow has been re-established and is working properly.
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 6-3