
4 Installation
NOTE: These instructions must be carefully followed to
assure that your Helos 20 is safely installed. Study them
thoroughly before installing your Helos 20.
NOTE: The following instructions assume the mounting
surface is of standard wood frame and standard sheet rock
construction. If you wish to mount the Helos 20 to another
type of material, you should consult a bonded contractor.
Warning! Before installing check
local building codes to verify com-
pliance with local regulations.
Warning! Before installing check
for obstructions behind the drywall
(electrical, plumbing and other fix-
tures). To do this make a small hole,
cutting at a 45° angle (this will make
the hole easier to patch if obstruc-
tions are found). Only cut the
mounting hole after you have
verified there are no obstruc-
tions behind the ceiling.
Required tools (not included):
Stud finder
Sharp pencil or pen
Dry wall knife/saw
Wire strippers
Electric drill (with clutch)
2-inch long #2 Phillips Driver bit
Tape measure
Push Pin
Depth required above ceiling surface:
5" (12.7cm)
Required ceiling opening (includes tolerance):
8.35" (21.2cm)
Figure 9. Dimensions of the Helos 20