
Clara.net - Terms and Conditions (U.K. Only)
You must read these terms and conditions before accessing
Claranet. By accessing Claranet you agree to be bound by the terms
and conditions set out below.
1. Definitions
1.1 “You” means the user, “ Claranet “ means Claranet Limited,
“Services” means all services provided by Claranet.
2. Exclusion of Warranties
2.1 Save as expressly set out herein, all conditions or
warranties which may be implied or incorporated into these terms
and conditions by law or otherwise are hereby expressly excluded to
the extent permitted by law. In no circumstances whatsoever will
Claranet be liable for economic, indirect or consequential loss.
2.2 Claranet and the Services are provided on an “as is” and
“as available” basis and we make no warranties or representations,
whether express or implied, in relation to Claranet or the Services,
including but not limited to, implied warranties or conditions of
completeness, accuracy, satisfactory quality and fitness for a
particular purpose.
3. Limitation of Liability
3.1 You acknowledge that Claranet is unable to exercise
control over the content of the information passing over the Claranet
connection and/or the Claranet network and/or the Service, and
Claranet hereby excludes all liability of any kind for the transmission
or reception of infringing information of whatever nature.
3.2 You agree that, except for death and personal injury arising
from our negligence, we shall not be liable in contract, tort,
negligence, statutory duty or otherwise, for any loss or damage
whatsoever arising from or in any way connected with these terms
and conditions, including, without limitation, damage for loss of
business, loss of profits, business interruption, loss of business
information, or any other pecuniary loss (even where we have been
advised of the possibility of such loss or damage).
3.3 You agree to indemnify and hold Claranet harmless from any
claim brought by a third party resulting from your use of the Claranet
connection and/or the Claranet network or Services, including but not
limited to infringement of any intellectual property right of any kind,
legislation or regulation. You shall defend and pay all costs, damages,
awards, fees (including reasonable legal fees) and judgements finally
awarded against Claranet arising from such claims, and shall provide
Claranet with notice of such claims, full authority to defend,
compromise or settle such claims and reasonable assistance
necessary to defend such claims, at your sole expense. Such actions
will be taken in consultation with you.
4. Suspension of Services
4.1 Claranet may at any time suspend provision of any Services in
whole or in part until further notice with immediate effect if:
a) Claranet is obliged to comply with an order, instruction or
request of Government, an emergency services
organisation, or other administrative authority, or
b) Claranet needs to carry out work relating to upgrading or
maintenance of the Claranet network but providing that
Claranet has given you a reasonable period of notice
practicable in the circumstances, or
c) the telephone calling line identification is blocked from the
telephone line which you use to access Claranet, or
d) You breach any clause contained in these terms and
4.2 If Claranet exercises its right of suspension in respect of an
event referred to in this Clause, this will not exclude its right to
terminate your account later in respect of that or any other event,
nor will it prevent Claranet from claiming damages from you resulting
from such event if you are in breach of these terms and conditions.
5. Calling Line Identification
5.1 You must make sure that the telephone calling line
identification is not blocked from the telephone line which you use to
access Claranet.
6. Security
6.1 You are fully responsible for all activities which occur under
your Calling Line Identification (CLID). Other users of your CLID
shall be bound by these terms and conditions as if they were you.
You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorised use of your
CLID or any other breach of security of which you become aware.
7. Termination
7.1 Claranet may deny Internet access to user’s CLID forthwith
where they are in breach of these terms and conditions or acted
inconsistently with the spirit of these terms and conditions.
7.2 In the event of termination you shall immediately cease to
make use of Claranet‘s Services.
8 General
8.1 Each provision of these terms and conditions shall be
construed separately, applying and surviving even if for any reason
one or other of those provisions is held inapplicable or unenforceable
in any circumstance they shall remain in force notwithstanding the
termination or expiry of these terms and conditions.
8.2 No waiver by us shall be construed as a waiver of any
proceeding or succeeding breach of any provision.
8.3 These terms and conditions constitute the entire
agreement between the parties with respect to their subject matter
and exclude any representations and warranties previously given or
made other than any negligent or fraudulent misrepresentation.
8.4 Claranet reserves the right to modify or amend these terms
and conditions at any time giving the customer notice on the
Claranet web site’s announcements section (www.claranet.net).
8.5 Claranet reserves the right to publish on its web site details
of breaches under these terms and conditions and the action taken
including the name of the account holder.
8.6 These terms and conditions are governed by and shall be
construed in accordance with the laws England and you hereby submit
to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
Clara.net - Conditions générales à l’intention
Vous devez lire ces conditions générales avant d’accéder à
Claranet. En accédant à Claranet, vous acceptez d’être lié par les
conditions générales exposées ci-dessous.
1. Définitions
1.1 « Vous » signifie l’utilisateur, « Claranet » signifie Claranet
Limited, « Services » signifie tous les services fournis par Claranet.
2. Exclusion de garanties
2.1 A l’exception de ce qui est explicitement exposé ci-dedans,
toutes les conditions ou garanties qui pourraient être implicitement
contenues dans ces conditions générales ou y être intégrées, de droit
ou de toute autre manière, sont par les présentes expressément
exclues dans la mesure autorisée par la loi. Claranet ne sera en
aucun cas responsable de perte financière, indirecte ou immatérielle.
2.2 Claranet et les Services sont fournis sur une base « en
l’état » et « tels que disponibles » et nous ne faisons aucune
garantie ni déclaration, explicite ou implicite, en lien avec Claranet
ou les Services, y compris mais sans s’y limiter, de garanties ou
conditions implicites d’intégralité, d’exactitude, de qualité
satisfaisante et d’aptitude à un but particulier.
3. Limite de responsabilité
3.1 Vous reconnaissez que Claranet n’est pas en mesure
d’exercer de contrôle sur le contenu des informations passant par la
liaison Claranet et/ou le réseau Claranet et/ou le Service, et
Claranet exclut par les présentes toute responsabilité de quelque
sorte que ce soit en matière de transmission ou de réception
d’informations illicites d’une quelconque nature.
3.2 Vous acceptez qu’à l’exception du décès ou de lésion
corporelle mise en jeu pour cause de négligence, nous ne serons pas
responsables — que ce soit sur le plan contractuel ou délictuel, par
incurie, obligation d’origine législative ou autre — de perte ou de
préjudice résultant de ou en lien quelconque avec ces conditions
générales, y compris mais sans s’y limiter, de préjudice pour perte
d’activité, perte de gains, interruption d’activité, perte d’informations
professionnelles ou toute autre perte pécuniaire (même si nous avons
été avisés de la possibilité d’une telle perte ou d’un tel préjudice).