58 EN58 EN
Use [K / L / s / B] to select a desired
title, then press [OK].
e.g.) HDD
Title List
1 / 6
12:00AM (10:00:00) JAN/ 1/08
4 5 6
2 3
The title is now registered in the dubbing list.
Repeat steps 4 to 5 until you register
all the titles to be dubbed.
To delete a title:
1 Go to the dubbing list, then use [K / L] to
select a title. Then press [OK].
2 Use [K / L] to select “Delete”, then press
3 Use [K / L] to select “Yes”, then press [OK].
To move a title:
1 Go to the dubbing list, then use [K / L] to
select a title. Then press [OK].
2 Use [K / L] to select “Move”, then press [OK].
3 Use [K / L] to select a desired insert point,
then press [OK].
To erase all the titles in the dubbing title list:
1 Use [K / L] to select “Delete All” in the
dubbing menu, then press [OK].
2 Use [K / L] to select “Yes”, then press [OK].
Final confirmation message will appear.
3 Use [K / L] to select “Yes”, then press [OK].
• To go back and forth between dubbing menu
and dubbing list, use [s / B].
After adding all the titles you want,
use [K / L] to select “Dubbing Start”
in the dubbing menu, then press
Use [s / B] to select a desired
recording mode, then press [OK].
e.g.) HDD ➡ DVD
3000 MB
500 MBDubbing Titles
Please select REC MODE.
Confirmation message will appear.
• Depending on the dubbing direction, the
available recording mode varies.
• When dubbing from HDD to DVD, you can
select “High” to perform the high speed
dubbing (refer to “Recording Mode for
Dubbing” on page 51 for more details).
Use [K / L] to select “Yes”, then press
Start Dubbing?
Dubbing will start.
• It may take awhile to prepare for the dubbing.
To stop the dubbing in progress:
Press [STOP C] on the front panel.
Press [STOP C] for 2 seconds on the remote
One-touch Dubbing...
With one-touch dubbing, you can start dubbing right
away with just one touch.
To dub the contents in a DVD which is finalized on
other unit, use this function.
During playback of the title you want to dub, press
If you are playing back a DVD, DVD to HDD dubbing will
start right away.
If you are playing back HDD, HDD to DVD dubbing will
start right away.
• The dubbing will start from the beginning of the title
being played back.
• The unit will dub only the title being played back.
• When dubbing from HDD to DVD, recording mode will
automatically be set to “High” whenever the conditions
are met (refer to page 59). Otherwise, the last selected
recording mode will automatically be applied.
To stop the dubbing in progress:
Press [STOP C] on the front panel.
Press [STOP C] for 2 seconds on the remote control.
E2M01UD_H2160MW9_EN.indd 58E2M01UD_H2160MW9_EN.indd 58 2008/04/15 19:58:182008/04/15 19:58:18