Chapter 9: Integrated Magellan Traffic
The background color of the TMC indicator should be interpreted as follows:
• Red: Seeking TMC station...
• Yellow: TMC Station found, no TMC message received.
• Green: TMC Station found, TMC messages received.
How To Disable the RDS
When you do not want to use the RDS function:
1. Select Configuration from the Navigation Options menu.
2. Scroll down the list and select TMC Options
3. Select TMC Selection.
4. Deselect the TMC Active box
5. Click Save to confirm your choice.
When the RDS function is off, the Magellan RoadMate ignores all incoming TMC messages.
9.4 FAQs
Q1- How does the Magellan RoadMate module choose the frequency on which to receive TMC
R1: This is an automated procedure. When you turn on the system, the Traffic module analyzes the 5 best frequencies stored
in its memory. These frequencies are classified in order of signal strength. The module then tests if TMC data is available on
the first station. If the first station is sending TMC messages, the module will stay on that frequency, otherwise it will test the
next one until it finds a station that delivers TMC data.
If none of the 5 frequencies can be used, the TrafficKit module will start scanning the entire FM band. It will search for the
best five frequencies on which TMC data is available and will tune in to the strongest station. These five best frequencies will
be saved in memory to be used the next time the system is powered up.
Q2- Why do we have to wait between 2 and 5 minutes before the RDS module starts delivering RDS data the first time we
use it?
R2: This is the average time for the module to test all the possible frequencies on the FM band and choose the best one in
terms of signal level and TMC data availability/quality.