U23841-J-Z915-6-76 139
Configuring Xprint V7.0 Administering users
Changing the number of consumed pages
● You can change the number of pages a user has consumed (i.e. printed) with
the -cp option:
xpchange -usr [selection] -cp new_consumed_pages
If selection is not specified, the command refers to all the users in the Xprint
V7.0 system. Otherwise you can either specify the name(s) of the user(s) for
whom the changed print quotas are to apply, or you can use the -scl
“selection_criteria_list” option (see section “Selection criteria list” on
page 266 in the Appendix) to define a list of criteria according to which the
relevant users are selected.
The variable new_consumed_pages represents the new counter value for the
consumed pages of the user. Now the user can print again until the
maximum number of allowed pages is reached. Once the user has
consumed this number of pages, any further jobs will be rejected.
Changing the number of consumed print jobs
● You can change the number of print jobs a user has consumed (i.e. printed)
with the -cj option:
xpchange -usr [selection] -cj new_consumed_jobs
If selection is not specified, the command refers to all the users in the Xprint
V7.0 system. Otherwise you can either specify the name(s) of the user(s) for
whom the changed print quotas are to apply, or you can use the -scl
“selection_criteria_list” option (see section “Selection criteria list” on
page 266 in the Appendix) to define a list of criteria according to which the
relevant users are selected.
The variable new_consumed_jobs represents the new counter value for the
consumed jobs of the relevant user. Now the user can print again until the
maximum number of allowed print jobs is reached. Once the user has
consumed this number of print jobs, any further jobs will be rejected.
– To reset the number of consumed pages for users jones and brown to 0:
xpchange -usr jones brown -cp 0