
Service for Mackie products is available at
a factory-authorized service center. Ser-
vice for Mackie products living outside the
United States can be obtained through local
dealers or distributors.
If your SWA1801 needs ser vice, please
fol low these in struc tions:
1. Review the preceding trou ble shoot ing
sug ges tions. Please.
2. Call Tech Support at 1-800-898-3211,
7am to 5pm PST, to explain the prob lem
in detail. They will ask you all sorts of
impertinent questions in the hope of
sorting out the problem. If it appears
that the SWA1801 needs repair, request
a Service Request Number. Have your
subwoofers serial number ready. Yo u
must have a Service Request Number
before you can obtain factory-au tho -
rized service.
3. Keep this users manual. We dont need
it to repair the subwoofer.
4. Pack the subwoofer in its original
packaging, including protective wrap,
endcaps, and box. This is VERY IM-
PORTANT. When you call for the
Service Request Number, please let Tech
Support know if you need new pack-
ag ing. Mackie is not re spon si ble for any
damage that occurs due to non-factory
5. Include a legible note stating your name,
shipping address (no P.O. boxes), day-
time phone number, RA number, and
a detailed de scrip tion of the prob lem,
in clud ing how we can duplicate it.
6. Write the Service Request Number in
on top of the box.
7. Tech Support will tell you where to ship
the subwoofer for repair. We suggest
insurance for all forms of cartage.
8. You will need to contact the authorized
service center for their current turn-
around times. The SWA1801 must be
packaged in its original packing box, and
must have the Service Request Num-
ber on the box. Once it is repaired, the
authorized service center will ship it
back by ground shipping, pre-paid (for
warranty repairs).
Note: Under the terms of the warranty,
you must ship or drop-off the unit to an
authorized service center. The return
ground shipment is covered for those
deemed by us to be under warranty.
Note: You must have a sales receipt from
an Authorized Mackie Dealer to qualify
for a warranty repair.
Need Help?
You can reach a technical support representative
Monday through Friday
from 7 AM to 5 PM PST at:
After hours, visit www.mackie.com
and click Support,
or email us at: techmail@mackie.com