15. For quieter listening, it is preferable to adjust the
amplifier’s gain controls rather than the source
signal’s output level (unless you have the source’s
control all the way up!).
Other Nuggets of Wisdom
• For optimum sonic performance, the channel and
main mix faders on your mixer should be set near
the “U” (unity gain) markings. Then adjust the
amplifier’s gain control to attain the desired volume
through the loudspeakers.
• Never plug amplifier outputs into anything except
speakers (unless you have an outboard box specifi-
cally designed to handle speaker-level signals).
• Before making connections to an amp or recon-
figuring an amp’s routing, turn the amp’s level
(Gain) controls down, turn the power off, make the
changes, turn the power back on, and then turn the
level controls back up.
• When you shut down your equipment, turn off the
amplifiers first. When powering up, turn on the
amplifiers last.
• Never listen to loud music for prolonged periods.
Please see the Safety Instructions on page 2 for
information on hearing protection.
• Save the shipping box! You may need it someday,
and you don’t want to have to pay for another one.
That’s it for the “Getting Started” section. Next comes
the “Hookup” section that shows you some typical ways
that you might use the M-Series amplifier in real ap-
plications. After that, take the grand tour of the ampli-
fier, with descriptions of every knob, button, input, and
output. We encourage you to take the time to read all of
the feature descriptions, but at least you know it’s there
if you have any questions.